Our Services.

We use modern evidence-based techniques that include ‘hands on’ treatment and specific exercise advice.


What is Osteopathy?

Osteopaths are manual therapy specialists that aim to assess, diagnose, and treat musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. The profession is recognised alongside physiotherapists as one of the fourteen Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) by the NHS.

Osteopaths are able to examine and diagnose your problem and help manage your complaint. Osteopaths are required to undertake a university degree and carry out Continuing Professional Development (CPD) annually.

An osteopath will aim to reduce inflammation and pain to promote recovery and better function of the skeletal system. This is done by examining an individual's posture and biomechanics to identify the underlying cause of the complaint. We then look specifically at movement, alignment, and modern orthopaedic testing to form a treatment plan with you to move forward.

Treatment aims to improve the function and structure of the patients complaint by promoting mobility and movement to the body. This is done by working on muscles and joints at the area of pain, in conjunction with areas that may influence posture or misalignment - to treat the body as a unit for better results.

We use modern evidence-based techniques that include hands on treatment and specific exercise advice. Hands on techniques may include massage therapy, stretching, articulation, and manipulation. Our facilities also include clinically evidence-based therapeutic technologies such as Shockwave Therapy. We also have manual therapy services including Kinesiology Taping and Theragun Therapy that are used alongside osteopathic treatment.

Treatment Costs: 

Initial Consultation: £50
Further Consultations: £45

See What We Treat


Shockwave Therapy
(Extracorpreal Shockwave Therapy)

New to rye for 2021.

This is a safe and effective non-invasive treatment that stimulates a repair process. It can be used for acute and chronic injuries by encouraging underlying tissues to start an inflammation response and speed up recovery. The therapeutic benefits of the shock waves produced onto the body include reducing pain and improving circulation at the treated area which promotes healing. Shockwave Therapy usually requires an average of three sessions to be effective, however this is dependent on the individual patients lifestyle and condition. Although this treatment is safe and effective, patients may experience minor discomfort during the treatment and there are potential side affects which include:

- Signs of redness and inflammation due to increased blood flow
- Minor swelling
- Minor bruising of the treated area

All of this will be discussed during your consultation as to why this may happen and what to expect from Shockwave Therapy. Shockwave Therapy can help treat the following conditions:

- Plantar Fasciitis
- Achilles Tendinopathy
- Calcific Tendonitis
- Tennis/Golfers Elbow
- Shin splints
- Muscle/Joint Pain Injuries
- Osgood Schlatters
- Frozen Shoulder

We may or may not be able to provide Shockwave Therapy for you if there are any contraindications that are situated below, but talk to your osteopath to discuss your options. Shockwave Therapy is not suitable in the following instances:

- If you are pregnant
- If you are under 18
- If you have an infection or abrasion at the pain site
- If tumours are present at the site of pain
- If you are on anti-coagulation medication
- If you have a pacemaker fitted
- If you have had a steroid injection within the last 6 weeks
- If you have any blood clotting disorders (including thrombosis)

Shockwave Therapy Treatment Costs:

Pricing and treatment is tailored to the individual patient and their condition and this will be discussed before treatment begins. Certain conditions may require consecutive sessions.

Shockwave Therapy is often used alongside Osteopathy.

Kinesiology Taping & Theragun Therapy.


Kinesiology Taping & Theragun Therapy.

Kinesiology Taping is often used alongside sports injuries and to assist with osteopathic treatment. Taping offers support and stimulation to muscles and joints without restricting movement, this can be beneficial in the healing process.

Per application - £3 (This will be added to your treatment cost).

Theragun Therapy is a percussive therapy that primarily promotes blood flow to the muscles to reduce pain and speed up recovery time. This therapy is beneficial for muscle relaxation, tension, and reducing the time of delayed onset muscle soreness after physical activity.

Theragun Therapy if required is included in your treatment cost.


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